Welcome A|Nbassadors!
First and foremost, we want to give you a warm welcome to our team! We're so happy to have you!
We wanted to compile as much info as we could so that we could answer all of your questions in one place!
What are the requirements to be an A|Nbassador?
We respect and value your time which is why we’ve designed a program that allows our A|Nbassadors to be as involved as they’d like! The only requirement to remain an active A|Nbassador is that you either make at least 2 sales per month OR complete 2 Missions per month.
Should I use my own link to make purchases?
Absolutely! Please let us know if you were previously attached to another A|Nbassador. We’re happy to connect you to your own account so that you can make a commission on your own purchases!
Will I see a 15% discount in my cart / Do I get a discount on products?
While you won’t see a discount on A|N products reflected in your cart, you earn a 15% commission on your personal purchases too! You will receive this 15% when you receive your monthly commission payout. So essentially, this is a 15% discount on all personal purchases. If you’re currently connected to another A|Nbassador, please let us know so that we can connect you to your own account.
How does commission work?
You will receive 15% on every sale that a customer places through your link or with your discount code. These commissions are paid out on a monthly basis. Make sure that you add your PayPal info to your back portal. This is how you will receive your commission and monthly bonus! Please note that there is a $30 commission minimum. This means that you must earn at least $30 in commission for your payout to be processed.
What do I need to do for taxes?
In January of every year, you will collect statements either via PayPal or in your back office on GoAffPro (Pro Affiliates App) and share these with your tax advisor. You will claim all commissions that you made for the previous year as income. You are a contracted worker through A|N and it is your responsibility to claim your taxes correctly on a yearly basis.
How will I get paid and when?
Make sure that you add your PayPal info to your back portal. This is how you will receive your commission and bonus! Please note that there is a $30 commission minimum. Commission payouts are processed during the first week of each month.
Do I still get loyalty points now that I'm an A|Nbassador?
Of course!! Our Loyalty Program is completely separate from our A|Nbassador Program. We love rewarding ALL of our customers, including our A|Nbassadors, for shopping with us!
Can I use my own code for $10
The $10 off code is for new customers only. Since you’re an A|Nbassador, you’re not a new customer. So this code won’t work for you. It’s for your potential new customers. It's a great incentive to encourage those who maybe be new to medical-grade or on the fence to purchase!
Who can use the $10 code
The code for $10 off a purchase of $30 or more is for new customers of A|N. We added this coupon code as an incentive to purchase.
What are customers for life?
When a new customer places an order with your discount code or through your link, those customers are “connected” to you. This means, each time they place any future order (even if they don’t use your link or code) you will receive a 15% commission on their purchases.
Please note that this is for NEW customers only. If someone has already been an A|N customer, they will not be connected to your A|Nbassador account.
What are missions?
A|Nbassador Missions are a fun way for us to give back to our A|Nbassadors for their hard work! Missions are tasks that an A|Nbassador can complete in order to earn points! These points can then be redeemed as gift cards to A|N. Each point is equal to $1.00.
If a customer has a refund or return, do I lose my commission?
This will be handled on a case by case basis!
I’ve been accepted, what now?
After being accepted into the program, you will want to set up your back office, link your PayPal account, and join our amazing Facebook community group! Please feel free to introduce yourself in the group, and to begin interacting with the team. These are people that you will grow very close with, as the girls and guys that are a part of A|N are truly one in a million. After getting set up, we encourage you to tune in to our Live calls on Facebook, and to schedule a 1 on 1 session with Kyle Anderson, who is a moderator in the group.
Who should I contact for…?
Kyle is our A|Nbassador Community Manager. He will be your point of contact for any and all questions. He will ensure that your questions get answered and that your issues get resolved! Click here to email Kyle!
Do I get early access to new products?
Sometimes! We occasionally will open up access to our A|Nbassadors for new products. We'll notify you in the facebook group if we're giving you early access!
Can I use the A|N Skin & Beauty logo for personal use?
You can use the A|Nbassador logo to put on clothing only. Please reach out to Kyle for approval on your apparel. We have a graphic that you can use for social media and blog posts stating that you're an A|Nbassador. This graphic is in our facebook group!
How is the A|Nbassador Program different than multi-level marketing?
The A|Nbassador program is not to be mistaken as an MLM or “multi-level marketing” company. This means that the structure of the program involves selling directly to customers and making a commission off of those customers, as well as being paid a commission based upon the wholesale purchases that are made by people whom the participant has also recruited to sell the products. So basically, MLM programs are incentivized to recruit others to join the company’s distribution chain as fellow salespeople and to build a “team” of people underneath them that they benefit from. With the A|Nbassador program, there is none of the pyramid selling structure taking place, and there are no teams of sellers being built. You are simply sharing products you love, generating commission from your customers who purchase from you, and being a part of a team of like-minded individuals who also do the same thing.