5 Steps To Your Best Skin Yet! - AN Skin & Beauty

5 Steps To Your Best Skin Yet!

When it comes to skincare, it can be stressful, right? There are so many options with products, brands, and regimens. And then when it comes to properly applying them and using them? That’s a whole additional layer of confusion! You hear so many different opinions and see so many people sharing conflicting routines! Well, let’s get back to the basics, keep it simple to start, and learn how and when to use skincare products to ensure that you see the best results! 

STEP 1: First things first, you need to start with a clean canvas!

It seems like a no-brainer, but it can become very easy to forget to wash your face if you have a busy morning or you are exhausted by the end of the night. We want every skincare user to understand why cleansing their face morning and night is the first and most important step in your routine! Efficiently cleansing your face and neck area is what facilitates the removal of built up dirt, oil, bacteria, dead skin cells, and impurities. Your skin is continuously protecting you all day long from harmful microbes, pollutants, viruses, and dirt. Prioritize properly cleansing your face to rid your skin of harmful build up that can lead to clogged pores and a disrupted skin barrier. For more effective cleansing, especially after a day of wearing makeup, you should double cleanse. Double cleansing is simply washing your face twice in a row with your favorite cleanser to ensure you have a completely cleansed face.

STEP 2: Use toner to restore the skin’s pH, increasing result potential!

You may be surprised to learn that the pH of your skin is acidic! The estimated pH of the skin is 4.7. To put this into perspective, the acidity of a fresh lemon is a 2 on the pH scale (very acidic). So why must the skin maintain a more acidic pH level? A skin pH between 4.7-5 ensures that the skin is able to appropriately combat harmful microbes and damaging free radicals that might increase the aging process. Adding a toner into your routine will restore your skin to its natural acidic state, further removing impurities (dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, excess oil) while helping the skin absorb the rest of your skincare routine optimally. With a well maintained skin pH, you are able to improve skin barrier function. You'll want to use your toner morning and night!

STEP 3: Targeting your unique skincare concerns with a treatment!

The treatment step is used to target your skincare concerns such as anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, or acne. You can use a product like a serum or treatment pad during this step. Depending on what you’re treating, you may use different treatments in the morning and evening. For example: If you’re wanting to use a treatment for anti-aging, we would recommend our Chlorophyll Correcting Serum in the AM for its potent Vitamin C properties to brighten the skin and increase collagen production while protecting your skin from photo-aging. In the PM, we would recommend to use our Liquid Filler Serum that is clinically proven to reduce the appearance and volume of wrinkles by 15% in only 2 weeks of use. Another perk of our Liquid Filler Serum is it will increase firmness by 13 times in just 15 days! Medical grade skincare with clinically proven results is the beauty of the treatment step. 

Another way you could incorporate other types of treatments into your skincare routine is by rotating in one of our treatment pads. When looking for an anti-aging skincare routine, we would recommend a retinol pad once a week in the evening! For anyone focused on improving signs of aging, retinol 1 or even 2 times a week is the best way to speed up skin cell turnover and create healthier and more youthful looking skin. We recommend using retinol only in the evening because it does make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. After you’ve used your serum or pad, let it soak into the skin for 1-2 minutes before proceeding to your next step!

STEP 4: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

In this step, you’re going to seal all of your products in with moisturizer so they can work their magic! Hydrate your face, neck/decollete, and then your eye area for a more radiant and healthier appearance to the skin! Contrary to popular belief, people with oily and acne-prone skin types should be moisturizing as well! We recommend all of our customers to be moisturizing daily. Using the right moisturizer for you can reduce the chance of developing extreme dryness or extreme oiliness and maintain a healthier skin barrier. This step should be done morning and night as well!

STEP 5: Protect your investment!

The best way to protect the investment you’ve made into your skincare routine is to apply your SPF daily! During the day, your final AM step should always be SPF! I can’t stress the importance of wearing facial sunscreen enough. We want you to protect and maintain your beautiful skin with mineral-based sunscreen to deflect harmful rays off of your skin and prevent the sun’s rays from damaging and aging your skin.

At A|N Skin & Beauty,  we not only value you, but we also value the integrity of your skin. We appreciate each of our wonderful customers for investing in their skincare routine and we strive to make your routine guess-free and effortlessly effective! Now that you’re confident in your step-by-step skincare routine, you can experience your best results yet! If you’re in the process of growing your skincare collection and want to target specific skincare concerns, A|N Skin & Beauty has a wide range of skincare bundles curated just for your unique skin. Just take our FREE skincare quiz to find which one is best for you!


  1. “Natural Skin Surface pH Is on Average below 5, Which Is Beneficial for Its Resident Flora - PubMed.” PubMed, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 1 Oct. 2006, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18489300/#:~:text=The%20average%20pH%20dropped%20from,average%204.7%2C%20i.e.%20below%205.
  2. “What’s so Important About Skin pH?” Healthline, www.healthline.com, https://www.healthline.com/health/whats-so-important-about-skin-ph#p-h-scale. Accessed 12 Aug. 2022.
“The Importance of Moisturizing - UTMC.” UTMC, www.utmedicalcenter.org, 1 Jan. 2018, https://www.utmedicalcenter.org/the-importance-of-moisturizing/#:~:text=Moisturizing%20Reduces%20Skin%20Problems%20%E2%80%93%20Moisturizing,the%20skin’s%20blemishes%20are%20camouflaged.
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